A downloadable soundtrack

Created for OST Composing Jam #07 with the theme of "Inside my World".

A being with no name is living in a dying world. Those who remained have tried to find a solution to avoid their impending doom, with no success. The being however can visit a dream world, where it can see almost any desire it wants. Unfortunatley, the only thing the being can bring back from this dream world is knowledge, but when the being finds out the knowledge to cure its world is hidden within, it sets out on a journey to obtain the knowledge and save the real world once and for all, but one can only hope if the knowledge is in fact true...

Sadly there is no actual game, but I will tell the full story here:

"Mirage Theme" Both the main theme and intro. The being finds out that knowledge to cure the real world is somewhere in the dream world. The only thing is the knowledge is guarded by a colossal entity known as "Fata Morgana".

"Reality" The being looks at its world one last time before venturing into the dream world. Nothing but a stale desert as far as the eye can see. Occasionaly you would see someone else, but not before finding hundreds of skeletons belonging to those dying of a dark force lying in their unburied graves.

"Fata Morgana" The knowledge will not obtained without a fight. Fata Morgana is powerful, VERY powerful. Will the being be able to overcome the god-like entity? This is the theme for the final boss fight of the game which will follow with the game's ending... where we never know if the knowledge was true or simply... a mirage?

Listen on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/j251-productions/sets/mirage?si=0332ceabceb24b91a8635740c...


Mirage Theme.wav 15 MB
Reality.wav 9.7 MB
Fata Morgana.wav 60 MB

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